Tuesday, September 8, 2009
To Whom It May ConcernHello. My name is Dylan Yeo. 2 years ago I was a cheerful person who was well-liked by most people. I did well in my everyday school life and scored well for my tests and examinations. My family loved me and I barely had memories of getting into severe arguments with any of them.
I liked music and was easily satisfied with whatever I had, brushing aside attempts made by my more wealthy friends to intimidate me with whatever expensive items they had.
I was Happy.
1 year ago I moved to a new class. That very day was a terrible blow to my self esteem. However, seeing as my other (new)classmates were very talkative and humorous, I had free entertainment almost on a daily basis. I even made a few close friends that are still as close, if not closer, as before. And to top that off, I shone brighter as my peers were more playful and thus I clinched a higher position in class as compared to that of the previous year.
Also, as an added bonus, I was at my peak in my CCA. Judo became a part of my life and I loved it. That is the most important thing to consider. Loving what you do. I was fit, I was well known, I was well-liked.
I was Strong.
January 1, 2009.
This year, I feel as though I am slowly fading away from the face of the Earth. No one really cares about what I do now. Things are changing. For the better or worse I am still unsure of. But one thing is certain. The route there will be treacherous and rough. Nothing will be easy. Am I prepared? Will I be able to make it through till the end with a smile on my face?
The past few months have not been easy. Failing tests, late nights, frequent arguments with my loved ones, growing unhealthy and most importantly, losing my smile.
I am no longer the happy, easy-going, joking Dylan that people used to know and love. I want to go back. Please.
This could be the fault of hormones and puberty. But what if it isn't? What if it's just me? I don't expect whoever is reading this to feel pitiful or sad for me. Cause it won't matter. Slowly but surely I am losing the will to carry on. Sometimes I see an image in my head of a bright future of happy faces and strong wills. But I guess our imagination is too perfect.
I am sad
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