Sunday, January 25, 2009
You have the perfect smile. You have the perfect eyes. You have the perfect laugh. You have the perfect hair. You have the perfect skin. Who are you?
You are the most tender being on Earth, no wait, the Universe. You have the body of an Angel. Who are you?
You speak as gentle as a feather is landing on a lily pad, creating soft ripples that extend to the far ends on the oceans. Who are you?
You look at me with eyes that make my cold, steel heart change into a warm and living organ of life. Your very voice makes my senses tingle with excitement. Who are you?
You brighten my day by being around me. You talk to me when I am troubled, even though I show no signs of being disturbed. You read me like an open book as easily as a person opening a door with recently greased hinges. Who are you?
You baffle my mind with the things you do. You confuse me with the things that you don't. Who are you?
You make me think of things that were impossible in the past. You make me do things i would never do in the past. You make me think of my past and help me forget. You give me reason to live. Who are you?
You exist in only one form, but you hide yourself from me. You persistently run away, attempting to avoid my grasps. However, subconsciously, you want me, you need me. Who are you?
You look at me and say things that mean more to me than other words anyone else says. You make me see things previously hidden. Who are you?
You give me support. You give me life. You give me your all. You give me your soul. I give you my heart. I give you my mind. I give you my very being. I give you my everything.
You give me all that you have, and i give you all that i have. But, who are you?Labels: I need to know you.
BOTTLED 12:32 AM l
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